Leasinvest Real Estate owns, at the closing of the public take over bid and its reopening, 90.12%(1) of the shares of Dexia Immo Lux

- Regulated press release

After the acquisition on 22 March of a total of 51.13 % in the listed sicav Dexia Immo Lux (DIL), and the launch and reopening of the public take over bid for the acquisition of the remaining shares, Leasinvest Real Estate now owns 90.12%[1] of all Dexia Immo Lux shares.
Within the framework of the reopening of the public take over bid closed on 29 June 2006, 1,251 capitalisation shares and and 4,079 distribution shares have been offered to Leasinvest Real Estate.
Leasinvest Real Estate owns, at the closing of the public take over bid and its reopening, a total of 41,940 capitalisation shares and  21,148 distribution shares(1), which represents  90.12%(1) of the shares of Dexia Immo Lux. 2,437 capitalisation shares and 4,482 distribution shares remain in public hands.
The price of the shares offered following the reopening of the take over bid will be paid to the sellers on 7 July 2006.
Leasinvest Real Estate has asked the market authorities for the delisting of Dexia Immo Lux shares on Euronext Brussels. The delisting can only be carried out by the authorities of Euronext Brussels acting in consultation with the BFIC, which owns a right of veto. The Dexia Immo Lux shares will remain listed on the Luxembourg stock market.
Leasinvest Real Estate has also asked for the removal of Dexia Immo Lux from the official list of public undertakings for collective investments of foreign law held by the BFIC. In case of removal of the list of UCIs, the financial service of Dexia Immo Lux will be maintained in order to secure in Belgium (i) the payment of the results, (ii) the communication of information on the subject (proposals for) of the transaction of shares ("corporate events") and (iii) the communication of periodical and occasional information which will be communicated in Luxembourg. The results of the offer and the delisting from the market of Euronext Brussels should be without any consequences regarding the fiscal system of Dexia Immo Lux, which, except in case of modification of the Luxembourg Law, remains unchanged. Dexia Immo Lux will remain recorded on the official list of public undertakings for collective investments submitted to the supervision of the CSSF.
Leasinvest Real Estate SCA
Real estate fund Leasinvest Real Estate SCA invests in high-quality and well situated office, logistics and retail buildings in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The sicafi is listed on Euronext Brussels in the NextPrime segment. Leasinvest Real Estate SCA has a market capitalisation of 271.3 million EUR (on 4 July 2006).
For more information, contact:
Leasinvest Real Estate
Jean-Louis Appelmans
Investor Relations
T: +32 3 238 98 77
E: jeanlouis.appelmans@leasinvest-realestate.com

[1] Including the 60 distribution shares owned by Dexia Immo Lux Conseil SA.