Leasinvest Real Estate - Interim statement of the manager on the third quarter of the financial year 2017 (01/07/2017-30/09/2017)
- Regulated press release
- Strategy focus on two asset classes, retail and offices, and three countries, Luxembourg, Belgium and Austria:
- Strengthening of the position in Austria and in retail with two acquisitions in Vienna
- Complete divestment of Swiss retail portfolio and
- Finalizing divestment of 65% of logistics portfolio in Belgium.
- The outlook for 2017 is confirmed by the figures realized on 30/09 (vs 30/09/16)
- Stable rental income of € 42.1 million compared to € 42.2 million (-0.2%)
- The EPRA Earnings*[1] on 30/09 have slightly decreased to € 22 million or € 4.46 per share (-4.1%)
- The net result has risen from € 25.6 million to € 29.7 million or € 6.01 per share (+16%)
- Redevelopments in Belgium and Luxembourg remain on schedule.
Press release attached (PDF)
[1] Alternative Performance Measures (APM) in the sense of the ESMA directive of 5 October 2015 in this press release are indicated with an asterisk (*) and are further explained in the annexes to this press release.