Leasinvest Real Estate SA: Extraordinary general meeting of 29 November 2021 – announcement of the total number of voting rights
- Regulated press release
The board of directors invites the shareholders of Leasinvest Real Estate SA to participate to the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company that shall be held at Maison de la Poste in 1000 Brussels, Picardstraat 7, on 29 November 2021 at 11.00h.
There is an attendance quorum fort his meeting: the shareholders who are present and represented must represent at least half of the capital.
An extraordinary general meeting with physical access is organized, taking into account the current health and safety measures in force.
Depending on the evolution of the Covid-19 situation, the Company reserves the right to change the (participation) modalities of this meeting should the corona measures be strengthened and/or additional measures or guidelines are implemented, taking into account the general safety and health concerns, and will inform the shareholders thereof, by means of a press release and on its website www.leasinvest.be.
The documents regarding this extraordinary general meeting (including the convening notice) are available as of today on the website www.leasinvest.be - ‘Investor relations’ – General meeting.
At this extraordinary general meeting the name change of the company in the articles of association into Nextensa will a/o be proposed.
In application of Article 15 of the Act of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings in issuers whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market, the company publishes on its website and via a press release on a monthly basis the total capital, the movements in the total number of voting shares and the total number of voting rights, in so far as these particulars have changed during the preceding month.
Situation as at 28 October 2021
Total capital: EUR 109,997,148.34
Total number of voting shares: 10,002,102
Number of shares with double voting rights: 1,803,2971
Total number of voting rights (= denominator) : 11,805,399
The total number of voting rights (the 'denominator') serves as the basis for the disclosure of major shareholdings by shareholders.
On the basis of this information, the shareholders of the company can verify whether they are above or below one of the thresholds of 3% (threshold set by the Articles of Association), 5%, 10%, and so on (in multiples of five) of the total voting rights, and whether there is therefore an obligation to notify the company that they have exceeded this threshold.
For more information, contact Leasinvest Real Estate NV MICHEL VAN GEYTE Chief Executive Officer T: +32 3 238 98 77 E: michel.van.geyte@leasinvest.be |
On LEASINVEST REAL ESTATE NV Since 19 July 2021 Leasinvest Real Estate NV is a mixed real estate investor and developer. The investment portfolio is spread across the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (45%), Belgium (42%) and Austria (13%); on 19 July 2021 its total value amounted to approximately 1.4 billion EUR. Leasinvest is one of the largest real estate investors in Luxembourg. The development portfolio is spread across the Sites of Tour&Taxis and Cloche d'Or, on which mixed developments (residential and offices) are ongoing and on which new subprojects will be launched in the coming years. The total value of this development portfolio amounted to 0.3 billion EUR on 19 July 2021. The Company is listed on Euronext Brussels and has a market capitalisation of € 760 million (value 27 October 2021). |
1 204 of these 1,803,297 shares giving the right to double voting rights in principle are held by a subsidiary of the Company. The voting rights attached to these 204 shares have therefore been suspended