Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Change of status into a public regulated real estate company (RREC) - Publication of the exercise price of the exit right

- Regulated press release

The FSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority) has formally confirmed to the Company on 1 October 2014 that it meets all conditions of the Law of 12 May 2014 with regard to regulated real estate companies (the "RREC Law") to obtain a licence as a public regulated real estate company ("public RREC"), under certain conditions precedent, and if the "indirect real estate" is brought below the legal threshold of 20% of the consolidated assets of the Company[1].

The Company has brought its "indirect real estate" in the meanwhile to below the legal threshold of 20% of the consolidated assets of the Company. On 4 November 2014 the FSMA has granted Leasinvest Real Estate ("LRE") a licence as a public RREC under certain conditions precedent.

On 6 October 2014 the Company has convened an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") on 6 November 2014 in view of the conversion project of the status of public sicafi into that of a public RREC.

If the EGM of LRE approves the project for amendment of the purpose of the company and other amendments to the articles of association, with the attendees representing at least half of the registered capital, with a majority of 80% respectively 75% of the votes, each shareholder having voted against this proposal - within the strict limits of article 77 of the RREC Law - will be able to exercise an exit right, against the highest price between (a) 80,35 euro (i.e. the last closing price before the publication of the convening notice for the EGM) and (b) the average closing price of the thirty calendar days preceding the date of the EGM (7 October 2014 till 5 November 2014 included).

Hereby LRE announces that the average closing price of the thirty calendar days preceding the date of the EGM of today 6 November 2014 mentioned below (b), amounts to 83.50 euro. Consequently, the price at which the exit right can be exercised if the case arises, is 83.50 euro.

For the reasons, conditions and consequences of the project for amendment of the status, as well as for the exercise conditions of the exit right, we refer to the information memorandum that is available on the website of LRE (www.leasinvest.be) since 3 October 2014 or that can be obtained, on simple request, at the registered office of the Company or at the registered office of the Manager-Legal person (Schermersstraat 42, 2000 Antwerp).


Leasinvest Real Estate SCA

Partnership limited by Shares

Public sicafi under Belgian Law

Registered office in 1070 Brussels (Anderlecht), Route de Lennik 451

Register of legal persons Brussels 0436.323.915

(the "Company")


For more information, contact:

Leasinvest Real Estate

Jean-Louis Appelmans


T: +32 3 238 98 77

E: jeanlouis.appelmans@leasinvest.be


Leasinvest Real Estate SCA

Real estate investment trust (sicafi) Leasinvest Real Estate SCA invests in high quality and well-located retail buildings, offices and logistics buildings in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and in Belgium. At present the real estate portfolio of Leasinvest comprises 32 sites of which 18 are located in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and 14 in Belgium, with a total real estate value of € 709 million.

The sicafi is listed on Euronext Brussels and has a market capitalization of approximately € 435 million (value 5 November 2014).

[1] For more information we refer to the Information memorandum and the Press release of 3 October 2014 of the Company with regard to the proposal for amendment of the status into a Public Regulated Real Estate Company as published on the website of the Company (www.leasinvest.be).